Healthy Well Water

Testing for Potential Well Water Contaminants

Healthy water is critical for all members of your household. Since water is often colorless scentless and flavorless, it can be impossible to recognize harmful chemicals and elements in your family’s drinking, bathing and daily water. At Health Home Experts, we have the experience and expertise to help you identify what tests need to be run based on your individual property. Water testing is critical in Colorado (especially in the mountain areas) due to high levels of minerals in our soil and water.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation to determine
what your home might need to ensure clean water for all.

The EPA has a valuable article about the possible contaminants and elements in private well water.  

Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment having your well water tested (at a minimum) annually for the presents of the following materials. 

bacteria can e found in well waterColiform Bacteria Testing – Annually
Bacteria levels in the water can change over time and testing should be performed yearly.  For wells under the influence of ground water this test should be performed more frequently. 

Nitrates & Nitrite Testing – As Needed
Children under 1 year in age can experience “blue baby syndrome” and water should always be tested if consumed by young children or expecting mothers. Wells in areas with a higher risk of exposure should be tested more frequently or when you experience the following ailments: increased heart rate, nausea, headaches, and abdominal cramps.

Fluoride – As Needed
Children need fluoride levels between 1 and 2 milligrams per liter for proper tooth development. Fluoride levels of less than 1 milligram per liter may prevent the proper development of teeth, and supplements may be needed.

Fluoride levels greater than 4 milligrams per liter can lead to pitting and staining of the teeth caused by fluorosis.

Arsenic or Uranium (Gross Alpha/Beta) – Test Once if Needed
Arsenic from soil and rock can dissolve into groundwater and enter drinking water wells. 

Uranium is naturally occurring in granite formations, which are found throughout Colorado, especially in the foothills. It can be found dissolved in the water and increase the risk of cancer.

Radon – If Needed
Homes with high radon levels in the air that are not reduced by mediation techniques should have their well water tested for dissolved radon gas.  Radon gas is linked to higher occurrences of lung cancer.

Corrosive or Scale Forming Water – As Needed
Corrosive and scale-forming water can have significant impacts on houses with copper, brass and lead plumbing elements.  The type of water you have will indicate what types of impact the water may have on your home and health.

Lead – Test At Least Once, Additionally As Needed
Ground-water does not generally have lead in it.  However, due to plumbing materials, many homes are at risk of having lead contamination from lead soldering, galvanized pipes or brass fittings.  Chronic exposure to lead can damage the brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells.

Preschool-aged children are particularly sensitive to the toxic effects of lead. Exposure during pregnancy can impact the developing fetus.

Cooper – Test At Least Once, Additionally As Needed
Ground water does not generally have cooper in the water but many homes use cooper plumbing which can leach into the water.  Symptoms caused by excessive copper exposure include upset stomach, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and headaches.  If your home has copper plumbing, consider testing at least once. Consider testing if someone shows the symptoms mentioned above or test before a baby comes home after birth. 

Water Quality in My Community

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